Articles, Case studies and White papers by and about Geoff for your perusal.
Geoff Hudson-Searle and Fellow Author Brad Borkan wrote a thought leadership paper on “Resiliency and Trust – An Unbeatable Combination for Modern Times”.
The context of the paper examines businesses of all shapes and sizes in all regions of the world, that are responding to a vision and set of common values across resiliency and trust.
Why companies have reported that the combination of embedding resiliency and regaining trust is the new guiding star for a world in constant change and dealing effectively with the interconnected environment in which all businesses operate.
Finally, organisations can gain resiliency and trust through having sound leadership at all levels and strong cultures founded on purpose, responsibility, and accountability. Long-term agility and growth come from that.
Get your free copy of this paper here: DOWNLOAD
Geoff Hudson-Searle is interviewed by RTL Europe Television across his professional career and authorisms.
Each of us is, to some extent or other, a reflection of the real life experiences of our lives. However, whether and how we succeed is determined at least in part by how we cope with those experiences and what we learn from them.
Meaningful leadership , whether this be in business, life or family will conquer, the most profound truth of your individual journey’s.
Courage, drive, determination, resilience, imagination, energy, you will find success. We are all human, not machines, we should not deny ourselves fulfillment or Meaningful Conversations.
BOOKS (third party)
Geoff talks about “Striving for an Ultimate Goal” – his chapter in ‘Journeys to Success – Volume 9’ (June 2018).
Post + podcast: “Striving for an Ultimate Goal”
Thrive – London – 26 April, 2017
“Leadership and engagement in our hectic corporate world.”
Orginal article
Download PDF
Case Study 1
A company that supplies security service’s and incident management across the whole planet via the two global satellite systems was seeking funding – Download PDF
Case Study 2
An example where IBEM helped a business in the computing and telecoms sector revolutionise the product development roadmap by involving different groups of people – Download PDF
Case Study 3
An organisation needed to change to engage the target audience in a market new to them. The solution provided by IBEM was both innovative and challenging – Download PDF
“Design in context” – Download PDF
“Post war conflict” – Download PDF