When something positive or good happens to you or occurs in your life, are you able to take credit for it or do you attribute it to something like luck, good fortune, or even just a fluke or coincidence?
There are many times we can get stuck in a negative mindset, only letting our brains focus on and attribute the negative events that take place as something we are in control of or cause. However, this same negative mindset or thinking can affect our ability to view the positives that we accomplish as our own accomplishments.
What do people say about an orchestra maestro or conductor who brings a group of individual musicians together and then directs them to perform brilliantly and beautifully?
When the orchestra produces perfectly, the conductor is praised highly for their brilliance in melding all of these individuals together into one finely tuned unit.
There are public acclamations and applause because, under the tutelage of this conductor, each one performs in perfect harmony with all of the others.
None of the individual musicians brings unharmoniously sounds into the mixture. And the praise all goes to the maestro.
The dictionary defines ‘luck’ as “The force that caused things, especially good things to happen to you by chance and not of a result of your own efforts or abilities.” And coincidence is “a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.”
I recently took a trip to the US and was recommended by a very dear friend to read a fascinating book by Paulo Coelho: “The Alchemist – a fable about following your dreams”. It has sold more than 65 million copies worldwide in more than 50 different languages, making it an international bestseller.
It follows the story of a shepherd boy named Santiago who travels to Egypt after having a recurring dream about a treasure that awaited him there.
If you have never read this book before, I highly recommend it. If you have, then you’ll know just how insightful and inspirational the story of a simple shepherd boy who decided to follow his dream can be. Possibly one of the most meaningful reads with purpose that I have ever read.
Interestingly in the book it describes the force of luck and coincidence. Luck and coincidences are recurring aspects in the Alchemist. Santiago was blessed with good luck when he met with the King of Salem, who guided him into pursuing his dreams.
However, he later experienced bad luck in Tangiers when the very man whom he thought he could rely on for help ended up stealing all of his money. Santiago worked like a good luck charm for the crystal merchant because his presence brought in many customers and fortune. It was a coincidence for Santiago to meet with the Englishman, who was also very familiar with the two stones, Urim and Thummim. Both of them also shared the same path to their destination and were in search of a “treasure” of some sort.
Luck and coincidence really plays a big role in this story as it determines the plots. So many things have happened to Santiago that was determined by luck either it is bad or good, it is his luck as when he was robbed it was bad luck on his side as he lost his money but then by what happened he meets the crystal merchant which was good luck as he gained a job and a kind master who helped him through his hardship.
What maktub means that its written and can’t be changed, and it’s used because the merchant who is a muslim and speaks in arabic and this is a word used in the Quran to say that our lives have been decided by allah from the day they were born and it’s maktub. It shows the reader how Santiago and the merchants know that their fate is written for them so they have to follow it, but each in a different way.
Paulo Coelho on Luck, Coincidence, and Faith
As Denis Waitley once said: “Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.”
Taking risks is not the secret to life, but taking risks does mean we are never at risk of doing nothing.
Too many people ‘play it safe.’ This is the playground of mediocrity. It is where average people live. They colour inside the lines, and always play by the rules. They fear the unknown, and rarely if ever venture outside the boundaries. People who ‘play it safe’ are predictable. Their life is run by rules and routine. Their actions are often dictated by the opinions of others. This is the crowd that fights to keep things the same…
Risk-takers are entrepreneurs, however, they are a different and extraordinary breed. They live in the realm of possibility and greatness. They are not afraid to live beyond the boundaries and to colour outside the lines. To them, there is no such thing as failure; only experiments that did not work. Risk-takers are marked by a sense of adventure and passion.
They care little for the accolades of the crowd. They are more focused on squeezing everything they can out of every moment of time. They are not afraid to ‘boldly go where no one has gone before.’
Everyone has a story, despite difficulties in family life and professional setbacks, the journey to success is the learnings we all have, we all possess the determination, drive and skills to create a successful and happy life, the bigger question is if we choose to use these skills…..for the great of good.
Think about it. Try naming one historical figure that made a difference by playing it safe and being average. The vast majority of successful people are remembered for the difference that they made in their lifetime. And that difference required them to take risks and challenge the status quo.
We are inspired by people who go beyond the norm and push the boundaries of possibility. Mediocrity, on the other hand, does not inspire. Nor does it lead to greatness. Success, however you define it, will elude you unless you are willing to push the limits you have placed on yourself, and that others have placed on you.
The Orville brothers would have never made their historical flight if they had listened to the naysayers. Henry Ford would have never invented the automobile if he had paid attention to his critics. David would have never defeated Goliath if he had allowed his own family to discourage him. The list goes on and on.
Every major breakthrough in history, in business, science, medicine, sports, etc. is the result of an individual who took a risk and refused to play it safe. Successful people understand this. Their innovation is the result of their adventurous spirit. They invent, achieve, surpass, and succeed because they dare to live beyond the realm of normal
Change has a funny habit of teaching you much about yourself; it goes to the core of your own weaknesses, strengths and eccentricities. Leadership forces you to stay true to yourself and recognize times when you are at your best and worst; the key is to stay focused and to make decisions that will look at continuous improvement. Even though this may be small, incremental change, it is positive change you can build upon even though you may be in quicksand.
Business has taught me much about life, learning and sharing knowledge and life stories with my employees and associates. My hopes, fears, beliefs, values and dreams were tested to the limit. I learned that only the difficult things in life truly bring satisfaction, and that achievement is proportional to the struggle needed to get there.
I believe we are not forming relationships because of the environment we live in, the world of technology, the fast paced, instant access, immediate response world, we receive things immediately, therefore we expect everything instantly, we are conditioned to having it all “now”.
Brene Brown puts these words into great prospective:
“I now see how owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.”
As with the greatest things in life, the magic only happens when things are given time to breathe, when thoughts are clear, when the mind is at peace. It is only in this environment that love can flourish. The magic ingredient to love is finding peace within your own mind; for when your mind is at peace others will be at peace. It is with this level of peace that bliss exists.
Listen to what your relationships are telling you: love and listening go hand in hand. To love unconditionally you must have the ability to listen to what another person is asking of you; not listening to what your emotions and desires are telling you, but really listening to what that person is asking of you. When we listen to what another requires above our own needs then we create trust, and we create understanding; when we understand things, the fear goes away. It is only then can we become selfless, allowing the time for love to flourish unconditionally.
Like The Alchemist the question is always: “How much do you truly want your dream, and do you have the courage to pursue it?”
“Love never keeps a man from pursuing his destiny.”
True love will never put a blockade between you and your dreams. Be it the love of your family, friends or significant other, if the people who surround you do not support, encourage or urge you in the direction of your destiny, they may not be the best people to keep in your company.
You are a product of your environment — choose yours carefully. Surround yourself with the doers, the believers, the dreamers and the thinkers. Only they will lift you higher.
“The fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself… no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams.”
Fear holds many of us back in life. The fear of failing, of rejection and of other’s opinions can impact us so heavily that we only fail ourselves by our own inaction.
We’ve heard it many times before: The thought of something is often worse than the thing itself. It is no different than fearing failure if we go in search of our dreams. Don’t underestimate your own resilience.
“People are capable at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
There is no such thing as too old or too young when it comes to chasing your dreams. There is no such thing as a right time or a wrong time, either. It is simply a matter of deciding what it is you want to do and taking the necessary steps to get there.
Wherever we are in the world, and in whatever circumstances we find ourselves, only we can decide to take the leap of faith and make our dreams realities.
“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
What you think about, you bring about. If you put all your focus, energy and positive thoughts toward whatever it is you want, you’d be amazed at what opportunities come knocking.
Whatever it is, however, it happens, if you want something badly enough, it’s as if the stars re-align and are only too willing to give to you whatever your heart desires. Call it fate, coincidence, beginner’s luck or whatever sits best with you, but when you put that time and energy into something with all you have, you will manifest it into your life.
“The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight.”
Advocates of people worldwide have sworn that success in life cannot come about without great failures. No matter how many times you get knocked back, rejected or turned away, either personally or professionally, the key is to never accept defeat.
Always move forward and never stop learning. See your failures as valuable lessons on the road to success, learn from them, grow with them and never give up on your dreams.
“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”
You will meet many a person who will share opinions regarding your life and your work, whether you ask or not.
Some will agree with you, some won’t. C’est la vie! You will never, ever, please everybody.
At the end of the day, the only person you need compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday. As long as you’re working toward your own happiness, don’t let the opinions of others divert you, especially those from people who have not yet found their own paths in life.
We are all unique, what we decide to do with our time is entirely up to us; listen to your heart and answer only to yourself.
“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”
The greatest riches we can ever hope to have are the ones that make us truly happy. Where do you find your happiness? To where does your heart call?
It may be a profession, a hobby, a place, a person, a pet or a lifestyle, but it’s only when we stop and acknowledge what it is our hearts want that we will find our greatest treasures. These are the treasures that will bring joy and happiness into our lives; this is where the heart is.
“The Alchemist” is a book that is full of wisdom and valuable lessons that can inspire us to live more purposeful and meaningful lives. The book encourages us to follow our dreams, trust in the journey, and embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way.
I would like to leave you with some thoughts on love and purpose. I believe every single person on the planet has love to give whether we like to recognize this or not, love if directed in the right way or focus can create amazing things, however, love in the opposite can destroy.
So many of us, for reasons only we can answer, do not implement, execute or action our true and resolute feelings.
Unfulfilled love creates a cavity between our present and our true potential. You have all heard of the saying ‘if only’ or ‘it might have been different if’, we all need to chase our dreams, you need to be careful what you wish for, because it may just come true. Unfulfilled love can only create negative and malicious intent which takes us away from our ultimate desires and purpose in life.
Taking the first step or leap of faith is hard. It involves risks, learning of new things and getting to know new people. Making sure the direction is right can also be trying. But when there is no step, your vision or dream will not come true.
Once you have made up your mind, take the first step, however small the first step is.
Each of us thrives on being successful and in doing so we often forget the difficulties lying in the path to success. We set targets and want to achieve them right away, but we are humans and may fall short on those goals.
Often in life, you make a journey that changes the meaning of life as you knew it. I believe every single person can be extraordinary for something if directed in the right way and if circumstances can take them there for the great of good, amazing things can happen.
Finally, I used to think that omens were magical and rare. But in The Alchemist, omens are both real and common.
When I look back at my trip, I see that there were all sorts of markers for me to follow. I just hadn’t realized until I looked for them. I had stopped listening to my heart because it stopped making sense. Like Santiago, my heart was afraid.
It was afraid of failure. It was afraid because there were no guarantees that anything remarkable would come out of the trip. For the longest time. The Alchemist just as it did for Santiago, if I listen and watch with intention, great things can manifest.
As Friedrich Max Müller, who was one of the great scholars of the nineteenth century once said:
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine and man cannot live without love”
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