Geoff Hudson-Searle – Appointment as ambassador of Love-146-UK


On 9th November 2021, Geoff Hudson-Searle, was officially unveiled as a new Ambassador for Love146 UK, an international human rights organisation working to end child trafficking through prevention, education and survivor care, with more than 18 years of experience and an excellent track record.

As an Ambassador, Geoff will become more closely involved in the charity’s work in the community and play a key role in promoting it and helping it reach more people. This includes Love 146 awareness programs and policies to the national and international communities.

This is an exciting and important new role for the charity which will help further ensure that awareness of child trafficking, and the needs of survivors, is raised to an even wider audience.

Philip Ishola – CEO of Love 146, stated:
“We are delighted that Geoff has accepted the role of Business Ambassador. This is a vital role, and we know that his experience, knowledge, and passion for combating child trafficking that he is the perfect person.

As an Ambassador with Love146 (UK) he will be part of our continuing growth to end child trafficking for good and support the survivors of it. We know that the trafficking and exploitation of children is one of the most insidious forms of human rights abuses which can take place.

Yet we also know that it continues to happen across the world, including in the UK.

Love 146 is an international human rights organisation, focused on ending child trafficking and exploitation through survivor care and holistic prevention strategies, we recognise the importance of ensuring that children have the “agency” in their own right, to not only help them rebuild their lives, but also to help raise awareness of the issues surrounding child trafficking to end it for good.

This new role is essential in doing that. Through supporting the organisation across the national and international communities and highlighting the importance of trust and hope in combating child trafficking you form a key part of the wider Love146 UK family and all those we work with and support.

Geoff has been in close contact with Love 146 UK for the last 10 years and before he was elected and since then has been coordinating with the charity on The Big Give campaign and even setting up an e-shop online.”

Following the announcement, Geoff said:

“It is a tremendous honour and privilege, Philip Ishola, to join your executive team as the Business Ambassador for Love146 UK. Continuing the support of the mission to both National and International communities across the importance of trust and hope.

All children need love and care. Trafficked children have been deprived of that. Even once they are free of the traffickers, there is a long road ahead of them to start to rebuild their lives. Love146 helps provide specialist survivor care, including in their own supported accommodation.

It’s about more than just support though, it’s about being a family, and family is there no matter what. Love146 is there for the children they work with, and they care. It’s about more than just being there though. It’s about building trust.

Children who have been trafficked have often lost that, and the first step on their journey is helping them to learn that there are people they can trust again. It’s a huge responsibility. We all know in every aspect of life how crucial trust is. Whether it is in business or working with children, trust is the foundation of healthy futures, and at the heart of everything Love146 stands for.”

– LOVE 146 UK – Announcement
– IB-EM – Love 146 Support

The stories of children caught in trafficking and exploitation are terrible. For some of us, the depth of pain and torment is difficult to process. Just imagining what they’ve gone through affects us deeply.

But, as hard as it is to hear these stories, it is good for us to do so, because by hearing these stories, we can act now and become aware, and awareness leads to action.

Through years of working with rescued children, Love 146 found that restoration is possible. The charity have worked with children who have regained their ability to dream about the future.

Helping these children re-imagine their future, rediscover their humanity and experience childhood. It’s not easy, but healing is an achievable goal – Love 146 urgently need more funding and your support to continue this crucial work.

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